Reverse Engineered Object: Selection

There are three things I appreciate in life: coffee, music and beauty. Okay, so there are more things I love than just those three,  but for the purposes of this blog and this project, I have limited my scope to these categories.

It wasn't easy finding an object that is mechanical in nature and challenging enough to reverse engineer in Rhino 3D. I must have circled my apartment at least 5 times before choosing these lucky items:

1) Coffee Bodum

Ah, my beloved coffee bodum! The most faithful of items, guaranteed to deliver a perfect cup of coffee each and every morning. This bodum can be completely disassembled into it's simpler parts, which is perfect for this project.

It may also prove to be quite a challenge: there are spiral forms and a layer of mesh which could be difficult to render in CAD.

2) Harmonica

Who knew that you could easily take apart a harmonica and still be able to play it? I think this object would be an exciting thing to try and construct in Rhino. There are many tiny pieces within its interior, including a wood reed, which could bring a challenge. 

The harmonica also comes with its own little case, which would be so cute to add as well. There is an originality to this object, a timelessness, which I would love to explore.

3) Dermaroller

There is no beauty without pain! For those of you who do not know what a dermaroller is, this is a wand that you roll over your face. Yep, you heard me. You literally create microchannels with this device in your skin, by rolling needles over your face in order to induce collagen formation. 

Did I try this? Yes. Did I continue? Hell no. Hard pass. This item has been gathering dust in my closet and I always wonder what compelled me to purchase this in the first place.

This item can be taken apart from it's wheel and then separated by it's individual disks. I don't know if I will actually go through with this item, as I don't feel like pricking my hand with this... but I thought it might be an interesting item to talk about and dissect. It has form and function.

After much consideration, the Bodum and the harmonica are two items I would love to work with. 
