Hollow Object Design

 Here it is! The last post of my OBDF110 class! Woop.

This was a project that really made me think in terms of structure, integrity and solid design. I joined forces with Sara and Kalem to create a hollow structure that would later be 3D printed.

To begin, I created the following series of objects:

I really liked #3, 4 and 5 and hoped to incorporate one of these ideas into the ideas with my group.

I was paired with Sara and Kalem and we immediately started brainstorming the construction of our final piece. Three minds are powerful!

Below are some of Sara and Kalem's ideas. Kalem was unable to create ideas through Rhino due to computer issues so they shared their sketches which worked just as well.

Some of Sara's concepts

Here are Kalem's original ideas (below) and some of the mixed group concepts (above)

After looking at everyone's ideas we started discussing how the final piece might be constructed and which elements we should incorporate. 

Here is an idea that we started with: 

One of the sketches that Sara created

We then created this in Rhino and after looking at it, we realized that the top might be too heavy for the legs and cause it to collapse:

We then decided to go back to the drawing board and change the design a bit. After considering Kalem's suggestion of tapering the top, we came up with this:

We still realized it might not work, unless we flipped it around and had the flower become the base, but we weren't too fond of that idea. 

Here is another idea that we mixed together and did not meet the cut:

Heart table with twisted flower legs

We still didn't like the 'table' design so we went back and looked at some of Kalem's sketches. We decided to create the simplest idea possible, as our Rhino skills are still developing.

Kalem's sketches based on our previously generated concepts

I went ahead and recreated the tea-cup looking piece on the lower right corner. I used our tapered heart design, flipped one on top of the other and then added a handle constructed from a bent cylinder:

We decided this to be the winning design! Now to put it through PrusaSlicer and find any flaws before the printing process:

I was unable to run Prusa due to an OS issue so instead I shared the .STL file with Sara. The three of us met in a voice call and looked over the XS scan of the piece to find anything that might compromise the 3D print of our object.

Everything looked awesome! We decided this to be our final piece and now it's been sent to Bryan to print in the next week :)

It was so awesome working with Kalem and Sara and I can't wait to meet them on campus next year :)
