Papercraft: Research

 In this post, I will be taking a dive into Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panickar's paper cut light box creations. This wife and husband duo, based out of Mumbai, have risen to the international ranks and now showcase their work out of Denver.

Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panickar (Hari and Deepti)

In order to create these beautiful dioramas, Deepti and Hari take watercolored paper and assemble the pieces into a shadow box, which is then illuminated by LED light strips from behind. 

By playing with depth and light they are able to achieve stunning worlds in small, confined spaces. Each piece tells its own story which immerses and places the viewer under a spell. As you can see from the above image, even the unlit creation is enchanting in its own way. It reminds me of a frozen cave with snow people. The addition of light adds warmth and fire to the individual pieces.

Originally the paper and light creations started as an experiment in 2010. Deepti and Hari received international recognition in 2014, which spurred their move to Denver. It was during this time that they decided to travel throughout Asia and Europe, collecting inspiration and new ideas for stories to showcase within their art. Deepti and Hari believe that, "stories have so many shades and depth in them, and paper as a medium has the exact qualities to reflect and interpret them."

I recommend taking a look at their personal website for more info:

My personal decision to choose Deepti and Hari for this assignment is rooted in a few different things. For one, they are persons of colour who have made a name for themselves in the artistic world and as a fellow person of colour who also has an affinity for the arts, I respect and admire their accomplishments so much. It is truly inspiring.

I also love their emphasis on story telling. Their pieces, while visually striking, also convey a narrative that makes you wonder and ponder as to what is happening within the tiny boxes. 
There is also this rich beauty in their creations which makes it difficult to take your eyes away. It leaves you wanting more. The ability to take a flat medium like paper and use it to create a complex 3D environment is remarkably innovative. 

In conclusion, I am so happy to have learned about Deepti and Hari :) (They also released a children's book which I am definitely going to purchase).
