Remix Culture: Recycling Ideas to Make Something New

In a world full of fantastic ideas, why reinvent the wheel when you can take those existing ideas, mash them up and turn them into something completely new? This concept of mixing and mashing ideas is known as Remix Culture. A great example of this is is Jeff McCarthy's 'Celebs on Sandwiches'.  He literally draws celebrities on an assortment of sandwiches. Danny DeVito on a burrito? Sure, why not?

The result is a hilarious composition which can make you laugh and feel somewhat hungry at the same time. To illustrate an understanding of Remix Culture, I've created a few of my own mashups below.

Flower and gun: Most of my ideas are rooted in symbolism. Here we have the juxtaposition of a gun, associated with bloodshed and violence, and a rose that symbolizes love, tranquility, life and peace. The placement of the stem in the barrel of the gun is made to give a shooting effect. (Gun) (Rose and stem)

Hands trapped in cage: A pair of hands that are locked inside of a bird cage. The way that the hands are reaching up can be likened to that of peace. The hands also look somewhat bird-like. Birds are often symbolic of freedom. The message here is that freedom is out of reach. 

Tampering with Cheese: As I was choosing items from Thingiverse, I couldn't get the idea of a tamper coming down on a piece of cheese. I wasn't striving for any meaning here, just a playful mix of ideas.

Earth - What a Waste!: Here I placed planet earth inside of a garbage bin. Corporations have played a major role in destroying our environment without taking adequate responsibility for their actions. I wanted to showcase that in this mash-up. (Earth) (Basketball Net)

Hive Mind: I've always felt that the human mind can be likened to that of beehives. When humans come together to generate ideas, it's similar to that of honeybees working together for the benefit of each other. I placed a few rows of honeycombs on top of the head and then added bees to make it feel like a moving piece. 

Sugar Brain: How our brains feel after consuming sugar... what a rush!

Ear in Shell: As kids, I think we've all taken a shell from a beach and placed it to our ears to hear the ocean. This composition shows exactly that. seashell ear

Donut Tricks: A dolphin jumping through the hole of a donut.

2020 - The birth of Coronavirus: I believe we can all agree that Coronavirus took us for a loop last year. This image shows the 'birthing' of the virus. corona virus cracked egg

Earth to Heaven: Tree limbs have always reminded me of arms and hands, reaching out towards the sky. By adding human hands in the place of leaves, it makes the tree feel more alive.
